Registered Charity No. 313877
Gilchrist Educational Trust is accepting applications for expeditions taking place in 2025. The deadline for receipt of these applications is 28 February 2025.
Applications from small or medium-sized British expeditions are considered by the Trustees in April each year. They should meet the following criteria:-
a. the team comprises three or more members, based in a university or research institute, museum or similar not-for-profit agency, the majority of whom are of British nationality;
b. the team proposes to carry out research of a scientific nature;
c. the majority of the team is studying, or has studied, subjects relevant to the expedition’s stated objectives;
d. the expedition has been well planned, has attainable objectives and is not likely to place the lives of the team members at risk;
e. the members of the team are making adequate personal contributions to help meet the cost of the expedition;
f. the host country is keen for the proposed research to be carried out and the results will be a welcome addition to the corpus of knowledge on the subject(s) which already exists;
g. if appropriate, local counterparts will be involved in the proposed research.
Application are sent on request and must be returned before the end of February in the year during which the expedition is to take place. Application forms can be obtained by e-mail from the Secretary at The forms should be returned by e-mail to the same address and a hard signed copy, together with any required enclosures, by post to the Secretary at the address shown on the application form.
Grants for expeditions were not awarded in the years 2021 or 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.